Hello folks! How's your fall going??
We're doing AWESOME. Yes, we are doing so awesome that it warrants every single letter of the word to be capitalized. This week we are open seven days! Crazy!
Pumpkin season is finished, now its time to make holiday items. This year I'm planning on really focusing in on snowmen. Different little snowmen with funny faces, colorful hats and scarves, every single one unique from the rest. Hopefully they will be as popular as the mini pumpkins we had everywhere. I would like to start getting out there replacing them all within the next week or two. This means a lot of production work for us.
I have mixed feelings on production work. I don't want to make it our main source of income. I don't want to lose the student and art part of the studio. Seasonally though, I think its fun.
Snowmen will be great because we can really practice making controlled neck lines. The goal is to have a large, medium, and small ball, much like what you would like when actually making a snow-snowman. Easier said than done. Maybe, just maybe, we will have time to try and make a few snowmen goblets. No matter what, making great neck lines will help us with goblet stems, among many, many, other things. Great skill builder for a glassblowing future.
Slowly building our skills, our products, and our customer base. Trying to find our niche in the art world!
Exciting news for the next couple weeks -
This Saturday we are having a party for Colleen & Gary. It started out as their anniversary party, but we are a little late for that. Regardless of the timing, its Colleen & Gary night! We are doing a potluck and inviting glassblowers to come in and do some demos. Very excited, going to be so much fun!
Saturday November 30, the Saturday after Thanksgiving, we are going to do a "Blow Your Own Ornament Day". We did this for our 1 year anniversary party, and it was a huge hit! We are going to do two dates this year, we hope it will be a success! Maybe next year we can do two weekends!
Saturday December 14th will be our second date for Blow Your Own. This will also be serving as our TWO YEAR ANNIVERSARY PARTY. Wow, I think of how far we have come in two years, wow. I think we need a band, but lets get through some of November first.
Thanks for reading!