I can already tell, making interesting titles for my posts will pose great difficulty. I have the same problem with our facebook page, creating different albums every day for our different class photos.
We teach so many classes, and I like to put up pictures of all the different people that come and learn in the studio. I think it is also great because then our students can find photos of themselves blowing glass.
But, back to the original topic, creative titles. Difficult! I have now gone to a standard, date of class, what they wish to learn, people in the class type of title system. I suppose this will make it easier for our students to find photos of themselves in the future, but it is boring!
Back in my good old college days at Frankie P, we used to do what we called - "Sunday Funday". Today's title will be a testament to my younger days and how much I have grown up in the adult world (ha!).
Sundays are a great day at the studio. We often get a lot of visitors, we always have a renter, and the weekends are a favorite for students to schedule lessons.
Today's agenda is as follows -
Our friend/renter Mark & his doggy Lela are up visiting from CT. He is working by himself today practicing pumpkins and whatever he feels like working on. He began working today at 9, and will conclude whenever he feels as though his leisurely day of glass is over. Mark is lucky enough to have a wonderful full-time job down in CT that supports his glassblowing addiction. We keep trying to convince him to move to New Hampshire anyway, so much better than Connecticut.
We then have our student Barbara in for a two hour class and our other student Cheryl for a two hour class. 10 to 12 and 12 to 2. These two ladies are awesome. We offer a bulk class deal, 12 hours of private lessons, we are ecstatic when people sign up for it. Teaching beginner lessons is fun, giving everyone a taste of glass and watching them leave with such an appreciation for glasswork. But, to actually watch an individual grow and progress, ah, its amazing. Glass addicts everywhere!
After that, we have a woman named Angela coming in with 4 other people and we will teach them a beginner class. It is always fun to watch a group of people, that already know each other, learn together. It leaves leeway to laugh, joke, poke fun, and congratulate, all in good spirits.
One last thing to talk about, Colleen's work party yesterday! Awesome! What a great group of people! They got through clear flowers, colored flowers, and a colored ornament. Colleen also had time to do a pumpkin demo for everyone to see. Hopefully we will see some of those great people back for another class. I think it was amazing for Colleen to be able to show the people that she works with, her private weekend obsession, GLASS! <3
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