Updating all of these social media tools proves to be nothing short of stressful. CRAZY. I wish they could all combine into one epic site. It would save everyone tons of trouble, but I suppose some of the fun would be taken away.
E-mailing is the easiest. Check your Inbox, Delete or Reply accordingly. Simple. Done!
Websites, well I guess our website is the easiest for me, because I have absolutely no idea how to do anything with it. Thanks Mom & Jim!
Facebook is my favorite. I began using it when I enrolled in college and got a .edu e-mail. Back when Facebook was exclusive. Now I'm friends with everybody and their mother (literally). As a business woman this is great, it allows me to keep in touch with so many people, past and present, all in one place. I do my best to try and keep my personal page personal, BUT not SUPER personal, where I am spouting about my drama and pissing people off. This works well for me because when I decide to do a little business advertising, my currently 1,382 Facebook give me quite a possible audience for advertising.
Making a Facebook business page was an obvious step for me. I hate it when you look up a business and they don't have a Facebook page, UGH, now I have to look up their website. I'm not sure what is worse though, not having a Facebook page, or having one and not updating it for years. Get out in the real (cyber) world folks! Now that I got one of those fancy smart phones (of course just for business purposes) I had to figure out a way I can update the shop page more often. Facebook Page Manager it is! Boy, it really limits the functions one can do as a business, but my phone keeps doing some updates, I hope it improves ASAP.
LinkedIn - is that how its typed? This is all a new thing for me. It took me HOURS to create a profile, filling all of the tiny little details that would never fit on a proper one page resume. The hardest part for me? Finding a "professional" photo! I think that other people have the same problem, I notice a bunch of blank LinkedIn versions of "profile pictures" - is that what it is called? So similar to Facebook, but somehow much more intrusive, which makes it more professional? I feel like some identity thieves would LOVE LinkedIn as a tool. I'm finding that I only updated my status once, not sure what is appropriate to be saying. I'm just slowly collecting friends and creeping along, maybe someday I will be as proficient as I am with Facebook.
Twitter. OVERWHELMING. We took a class "What the Heck is Twitter and Why Should I Care?". I was left caring about Twitter, but still very uncomfortable with the whole process. I think I need to spend some time grouping the pages that I'm following, into pages that I might like to "Retweet" their posts. Right now I am overwhelmed with news twitter updates, which is great for my personal knowledge, but news and politics are not something a glassblowing studio should bring into their business. (We may lose some friends)
Instagram. Easy-ish. It's annoying how I can't take photos on my good camera and upload them on the Instagram. My fancy phone is a terrible photo taker. I like the cool effects that you can make the photos, pretty awesome to check out. We actually have some followers on Instagram, which is cool to see. Basically I spend a total of 5 minutes on Instagram a day, posting a few photos, putting some weird hash-tags and linking it to my Twitter. Two points for Dom.
Blogger. Do you remember when you were in college and you used to get "writers block" over these short little page papers. You build it up in your mind to be the end of the world, oh so much time and effort. When you sit down you find that you actually enjoy writing and it isn't that difficult in the slightest. That is how blogging has become to me. To be described as a rewarding burden. Slightly difficult because the whole time you're typing you're wondering - "Do people really care about this? Does anyone care about what I have to say?" OH WELL. Read, don't read, poke fun, at least I snatched a minimum of a second of your brain power. MWUAHAHA
Etsy. Oh Etsy. Etsy is an amazing site, it really is. It is a LOT of work. Everyone wants to know if our stuff is available for sale online, complaining if its not. When we only have a couple things on our Etsy site we get complaints. When we have a bunch of stuff on our Etsy site, we get no sales. I know that we really need to establish an Etsy presence, connecting with other artists there. We need to build a regular customer base and hold strong. It is hard when my mom, Jim, Josh and I are trying to run a pretty monstrous studio, attempting to sell stuff out of the shop, and constantly updating/deleting our glass on Etsy. Also, the cost to keep our stuff up there is a small hindrance on our Etsy money-making progress.
Now you know my "educated" opinion - feeling smart yet?
Have a lovely Saturday!
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